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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 12 - Transportation

Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.

Class Class Name
12 repairing materials of rubber for repairing tyres
12 rescue sleds
12 retrovisors
12 reverse motion audible warning devices for vehicles
12 reversing alarms for vehicles
12 rims for bicycle wheels
12 rims for vehicle wheels
12 rims for wheels of bicycles
12 robotic cars
12 roll cage trolleys
12 rolling stock for funicular railways
12 rolling stock for railways
12 roof boxes for vehicles
12 roof racks for vehicles
12 rowlocks
12 rubbish trucks
12 rudders
12 sack-barrows
12 saddle covers for bicycles
12 saddle covers for bicycles
12 saddle covers for cycles
12 saddle covers for motorcycles
12 saddle covers for motorcycles
12 saddlebags adapted for bicycles
12 saddles for cycles
12 safety belts for vehicle seats
12 safety seats for children, for vehicles
12 safety seats for vehicles
12 sailing boats
12 sand yachts
12 screw-propellers
12 screw-propellers for boats
12 screws [propellers] for ships
12 screws (propellers) for watercraft
12 sculls
12 seaplanes
12 seat covers for vehicles
12 seat cushions for the seats of vehicles
12 seat pillars (parts of land vehicles)
12 seat posts (parts of land vehicles)
12 security harness for vehicle seats
12 self-balancing boards
12 self-balancing electric unicycles
12 self-balancing scooters
12 self-driving cars
12 shift levers for land vehicles
12 ship hulls
12 ships
12 shock absorbers for automobiles
12 shock absorbers for vehicles

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