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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 12 - Transportation

Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.

Class Class Name
12 perambulators
12 perambulators incorporating carry cots
12 pet strollers
12 photography drones
12 pick-up trucks
12 platform trucks
12 pneumatic inner tubes for vehicle wheels
12 pneumatic tires
12 pneumatic tyres
12 pontoons
12 portholes
12 power tailgates (parts of land vehicles)
12 power tailgates [parts of land vehicles]
12 power take-off shafts for land vehicles
12 power transmission belts for land vehicles
12 powerboats
12 prams
12 propellers for boats
12 propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles
12 pumps for bicycle tires
12 pumps for bicycle tyres
12 pumps for bicycles
12 pumps for cycles
12 pumps for inflating bicycle tyres
12 puncture repair outfits for bicycle tyres
12 push scooters [vehicles]
12 pushchair covers
12 pushchair hoods
12 pushchairs
12 racing bicycles
12 racing cars
12 radiator grills of metal for vehicles
12 railway carriages
12 railway cars
12 railway coaches
12 railway couplings
12 railway rolling stock
12 rearview mirrors
12 rearview mirrors for exterior fitting
12 rearview mirrors for interior fitting
12 reduction gears for land vehicles
12 refrigerated railway wagons
12 refrigerated vehicles
12 remote alarms for land vehicles
12 remote control security [anti-theft] devices for vehicles
12 remote control vehicles, other than toys
12 remote controlled vehicles
12 remotely operated vehicles for underwater inspections
12 repair outfits for inner tubes
12 repairing materials of rubber for repairing inner tubes

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