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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 8 - Manual Instruments

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors.

Class Class Name
8 fingernail polishers, electric or non-electric
8 fingernail tweezers
8 fire irons
8 fireplace bellows [hand tools]
8 fish knives
8 fish tapes [hand tools]
8 fitted cases adapted to hold hand tools
8 flat irons
8 fleshing knives [hand tools]
8 floats (hand-operated)
8 folding nail files
8 food cutters and choppers
8 food spreaders
8 forks for babies and infants
8 foundry ladles
8 foundry ladles [hand tools]
8 frames for handsaws
8 fruit corers
8 fruit peelers
8 fruit pickers
8 fruit pickers [hand tools]
8 fruit segmenters
8 fullers [hand tools]
8 fulling tools [hand tools]
8 fulling tools (hand-operated)
8 garden tools [hand tools]
8 garden tools (hand-operated)
8 garden tools, hand-operated
8 gardening shears and scissors
8 gardening tools (hand-operated)
8 gimlets [hand tools]
8 glaziers' diamonds [parts of hand tools]
8 glazing irons
8 goffering irons
8 gouges [hand tools]
8 gouges (hand-operated)
8 grafting tools [hand tools]
8 grafting tools (hand-operated)
8 graving tools [hand tools]
8 graving tools (hand-operated)
8 grinding discs (hand-operated)
8 grinding tools (hand-operated)
8 grinding wheels (hand-operated)
8 grindstones [hand tools]
8 guillotines (hand tools) for cutting paper, other than for office use
8 guns [hand tools]
8 guns, hand-operated, for the extrusion of mastics
8 hackles [hand tools]
8 hackles (hand-operated)
8 hainault scythes

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