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Class 31 - Feed & Seeds

Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt.

Class Class Name
31 food for domesticated animals
31 food for fish
31 food for hamsters
31 food for marine animals
31 foodstuffs and beverages for animals, birds and fish
31 foodstuffs for animals
31 foodstuffs for birds
31 foodstuffs for cats
31 foodstuffs for dogs
31 foodstuffs for ferrets
31 foodstuffs for fish
31 foodstuffs for pet animals
31 foodstuffs for rabbits
31 foodstuffs for rodents
31 forage
31 forestry products
31 freeze-dried fishing bait
31 fresh avocados
31 fresh beans
31 fresh berries
31 fresh black fungus
31 fresh burdock roots
31 fresh chestnuts
31 fresh chillies
31 fresh Chinese herbs
31 fresh citrus fruits
31 fresh corn
31 fresh cut fruits (unprocessed)
31 fresh cut roses
31 fresh cut vegetables (unprocessed)
31 fresh edible germs
31 fresh edible mushrooms
31 fresh flowers
31 fresh fruits
31 fresh fruits and vegetables
31 fresh fruits with stones or pips
31 fresh fungi
31 fresh grapes
31 fresh herbs
31 fresh jelly grass
31 fresh kiwifruit
31 fresh leaves
31 fresh lentils
31 fresh mangos
31 fresh mushrooms
31 fresh nuts
31 fresh olives
31 fresh onions
31 fresh palm tree leaves
31 fresh papayas

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