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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 28 - Fitness Equipment

Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class Class Name
28 skateboards
28 skates
28 skates (ice-)
28 skates (in-line roller -)
28 skates (roller -)
28 skeleton sleds
28 ski bags [shaped to contain skis]
28 ski batons
28 ski bindings
28 ski boards
28 ski edges
28 ski poles
28 ski poles
28 ski poles for roller skis
28 ski sticks
28 ski sticks
28 ski sticks for roller skis
28 skipping ropes
28 skis
28 skittles
28 skittles [games]
28 sledges [playthings]
28 sledges [sporting articles]
28 sleds [sports articles]
28 sleighs [playthings]
28 slides [playthings]
28 sling shots [sports articles]
28 slot machines [coin-freed amusement apparatus]
28 slot machines [counter-freed amusement apparatus]
28 slot machines [gaming machines]
28 small balls for games
28 snooker cues
28 snooker tables
28 snow globes
28 snow skis
28 snow sledges [playthings]
28 snowboards
28 snow-crystal balls [tree decorations]
28 snowshoes
28 soap bubbles [toys]
28 soccer balls
28 soft toys
28 soft toys in the form of animals
28 soft toys in the form of bears
28 softball bats
28 softball gloves
28 sole covering for skis
28 sole coverings for skis
28 spinning tops [playthings]
28 spinning tops [toys]

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