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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 25 - Clothing & Shoes

Clothing, footwear, headwear
Commonly used descriptions: aprons (clothing); belts (clothing); children's clothing; clothing; clothing for gymnastics; clothing of leather; footwear; gloves (clothing); hats; infants' clothing; knitwear; maternity clothing; outerwear; rain boots; sandals; school uniforms; sleepwear; socks; sports clothing; sports shoes; swimwear; ties; trousers; tuxedos; underwear; uniforms; veils; wedding gowns; windbreakers; wraps;
Class Class Name
25 masquerade costumes
25 maternity brassieres
25 maternity breast feeding t-shirts
25 maternity clothes
25 maternity clothing
25 maternity corsets
25 maternity dresses
25 maternity footwear
25 maternity girdles
25 maternity headgear
25 maternity robes
25 maternity slips
25 maternity underwear
25 maternity wear
25 men's hosiery
25 men's jeans
25 men's outerwear
25 men's suits
25 midsole inserts for footwear
25 midsoles
25 midsoles made of metals for footwear
25 millinery
25 miniskirts
25 miters [hats]
25 mitres [hats]
25 mittens
25 mitts
25 moccasins
25 mock turtleneck sweaters
25 mock turtlenecks
25 money belts
25 money belts [clothing]
25 morning coats
25 motorists' clothing
25 moulded foot soles in the form of solid plastics
25 mountain climbing shoes
25 mountaineering boots
25 mountaineering shoes
25 mountaineering shoes [boots]
25 mufflers
25 muffs [clothing]
25 mules
25 nagagi [full-length kimonos]
25 neck gaiters
25 neck scarves
25 neck tube scarves
25 neck warmers [clothing]
25 neckerchiefs
25 necklets of textile
25 neckpieces

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