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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 12 - Transportation

Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.

Class Class Name
12 carrier tricycles
12 carriers for use on vehicles
12 cars
12 cars for cable transport installations
12 carts
12 casings for pneumatic tires
12 casings for pneumatic tyres
12 casings for pneumatic tyres
12 casters for carts [vehicles]
12 casters for trolleys [vehicles]
12 casters for trolleys [vehicles]
12 casting carriages
12 casting cars
12 castors [vehicle wheels]
12 catamarans
12 CD (compact discs) holders and pockets adapted for use in automobiles
12 chains for driving motorcycles
12 chairlifts
12 children's car seats
12 children's seats for use in vehicles
12 cigar lighters for automobiles
12 civilian drones
12 cleaning trolleys
12 cleats [nautical]
12 clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies
12 clutch disks for land vehicles
12 clutches for land vehicles
12 coaches
12 coil springs for vehicle suspensions
12 combustion engines for land vehicles
12 concrete mixing vehicles
12 connecting rods for land vehicles, other than parts of motors and engines
12 connecting rods for vehicles , other than parts of motors and engines
12 consoles being parts of vehicle interiors
12 construction vehicles for transportation purposes
12 containers adapted for use in vehicles
12 convertible car seats
12 couplings for land vehicles
12 covers for motorcycle saddles
12 covers for tyres
12 covers for vehicle seats
12 covers for vehicle steering wheels
12 crankcases for land vehicle components, other than for engines
12 crankcases for land vehicles [other than for engines]
12 cranks (parts of land vehicles)
12 cup holders for use in vehicles
12 cup holders for vehicles
12 cushions for use with car seats
12 davits for boats
12 delivery drones

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