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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 artificial teeth
10 artificial teeth, eyes, limbs
10 artificial tympanic membranes
10 aspirators for medical use
10 attachment devices for attaching bandages and collecting receptacles to the human body
10 audiometers
10 audiometry apparatus
10 automated blood pressure measurement equipment
10 automated cell analyzers
10 automated molecular analyzers for medical use
10 automated peritoneal dialysis equipment
10 automatic ampule dispensing apparatus
10 automatic ampule dispensing apparatus for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 automatic ampule dispensing machines
10 automatic ampule dispensing machines for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 automatic apparatus for binding packing materials of powdered medicine for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 automatic apparatus for extracting medicines from PTP [press-through package] for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 automatic electrocardiogram analyzers
10 automatic gamma cameras for medical use
10 automatic gamma ray counting apparatus for medical use
10 automatic lancing devices
10 automatic machines and apparatus for extracting medicines from PTP (press-through package) for medical use
10 automatic machines and apparatus of binding packing materials for powdered medicine for medical use
10 automatic machines for binding packing materials of powdered medicine for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 automatic machines for extracting medicines from PTP [press-through package] for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 automatic machines for processing the exposed medical X-ray films
10 automatic phonocardiogram analyzers
10 automatic powdered medicine packing apparatus for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 automatic powdered medicine packing machines and apparatus for use in hospitals
10 automatic powdered medicine packing machines for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 automatic pulmonary function analyzers
10 automatic tablet packing apparatus for use in hospitals
10 automatic tablet packing apparatus for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 automatic tablet packing machines for use in hospitals
10 automatic tablet packing machines for use in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies
10 autotransfusion devices
10 auxiliaries for the sexual stimulation
10 babies' bottles
10 babies' pacifiers
10 babies' soothers
10 baby bottle liners
10 baby bottle teats
10 baby bottles
10 baby dummies
10 baby feeding bottles
10 baby feeding dummies
10 baby feeding pacifiers
10 baby teething rings
10 back cushions for medical purposes
10 backsaver lumber support pad for medical purposes

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