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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 electronic blood pressure meters
10 electronic clinical thermometers
10 electronic foot massage apparatus
10 electronic instruments for aesthetic use
10 electronic lung capacity testing devices
10 electronic lung capacity testing monitors
10 electronic massage bath mats
10 electronic muscle stimulation (E.M.S.) machines for muscle toning
10 electronic muscle stimulators
10 electronic navigation systems used for the surgical implantation of orthopaedic implants and for post-surgical monitoring of orthopaedic implants
10 electronic nerve stimulator
10 electronic skin cleaning apparatus for medical use
10 electronic sphygmomanometers
10 electronic sport massage apparatus
10 electronic therapeutic devices
10 electronic tracking systems used for the surgical implantation of orthopaedic implants and for post-surgical monitoring of orthopaedic implants
10 electronystagmographs
10 electroosmotic drug delivery apparatus
10 electrophysiological equipment for medical use
10 electrophysiology catheters
10 electroporation drug delivery apparatus
10 electrotherapy instruments for slimming treatment
10 endodontic apparatus
10 endodontic instruments
10 endodontic tools
10 endo-joint-prosthesis
10 endoprosthesis
10 endoprosthesis for hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, hand, foot and femur head
10 endoscopes
10 endoscopes for medical applications
10 endoscopic cameras
10 endoscopic cleaning brushes
10 endoscopy cameras for medical purposes
10 enema apparatus for medical purposes
10 envelopes for the collection of excretions from the human body
10 equipment for endourological radiology
10 equipment for hygiene, orthopaedics and for the treatment and care of the feet and skin
10 equipment for patient observation and arrhythmia analysis
10 equipment for the treatment and care of the feet and skin
10 equipment for use in ophthalmic surgery and vision correction
10 erogenous zone pumps
10 esthetic massage apparatus
10 examination tables; being specially made for medical purposes
10 examination tables for medical or dental use
10 eye masks for medical use
10 eye massagers
10 eye pads for medical use
10 eye-shields for medical use
10 face masks for medical use
10 face masks for use by medical personnel

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