CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 nail care, manicure and pedicure services
44 nail care services
44 nail salon services
44 narcotic rehabilitation
44 non-surgical treatment of fine lines and wrinkles
44 nursing care services
44 nursing home services
44 nursing home services
44 nursing, medical
44 nursing [medical services]
44 nursing services
44 nutrition consultancy
44 nutrition consultancy and advisory services
44 nutritional advisory services
44 nutritional analysis services
44 nutritional consultancy relating to feeding of animals
44 occupational therapy
44 on-line advisory services relating to the feeding and nutritional requirements of animals
44 operation of medical and dental facilities
44 ophthalmological services
44 ophthalmological treatment
44 ophthalmologists' services
44 opticians' services
44 optometric services
44 optometrists' services
44 optometry
44 orthodontic and dental services
44 orthodontic services
44 osteopathy
44 packaging and wrapping design services for flowers being flower arrangement design services
44 paedodontic services
44 palliative care
44 pedicure and manicure services
44 pedicure services
44 pedicure treatment
44 periodontic services
44 personal therapeutic services relating to hair regrowth
44 personal therapeutic services relating to slimming
44 personalised or tailor-made facial and body skin care treatment
44 personalized or tailor-made hair and scalp treatment
44 pest control services for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry
44 pet care services
44 pet grooming
44 pet grooming services
44 pet or plant care
44 pharmaceutical consultation
44 pharmaceutical services
44 pharmacy advice
44 pharmacy advisory services
44 pharmacy and Chinese medicines dispensary services

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