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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 17 - Rubber Goods

Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics and resins in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, tubes and hoses, not of metal.

Class Class Name
17 moulded rubber and synthetic rubber goods for industrial use
17 mouldings of plastics for packing
17 mountings made of plastic for engines
17 mountings made of rubber for engines
17 mountings made of rubber or of plastics materials for engines, transmission assemblies and for exhausts
17 natural rubber
17 noise dampening pads
17 non-conducting materials for retaining heat
17 non-metallic flexible tubes
17 non-metallic fuel oil hoses
17 non-metallic hoses
17 non-metallic hoses and pipes
17 non-metallic hoses for automotive use
17 non-metallic petroleum hoses
17 non-metallic sealing rings
17 non-metallic seals and gaskets
17 non-metallic seals for shock absorbers
17 non-metallic structures for noise absorption (soundproofing)
17 oil seals
17 packaging boxes [vulcanized fibre]
17 packing and insulating materials
17 packing and stopping materials
17 packing [cushioning, stuffing] materials of rubber or plastics
17 packing (cushioning, stuffing) materials of rubber or plastics, biodegradable
17 packing materials of rubber or plastics
17 packing, stopping and insulating materials
17 packing, stopping and insulating materials in band form
17 packing, stopping and insulating materials in strap form
17 packing, stopping and insulating materials [not of metal]
17 packings made of rubber
17 padding and stuffing materials made of foam, rubber, latex or plastics
17 padding and stuffing materials of rubber and plastics
17 padding materials of rubber or plastic for use in restraining or supporting loads
17 padding materials of rubber or plastic for use in supporting loads
17 padding materials of rubber or plastics
17 panels of plastic [not for textile use]
17 paper for electrical capacitors
17 pipe gaskets
17 pipe jackets, not of metal
17 pipe joint [not of metal]
17 pipe muffs, not of metal
17 plastic based foils for packing' as 'plastic based foils for wrapping
17 plastic elastic sealants
17 plastic elbow bends for pipes
17 plastic fabric sheets, other than for wrapping
17 plastic fibers, not for use in textile
17 plastic fibers, not for use in textiles
17 plastic fibers, other than for textile use
17 plastic fibres, other than for textile use
17 plastic filaments for 3D printing

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