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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 17 - Rubber Goods

Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics and resins in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, tubes and hoses, not of metal.

Class Class Name
17 tubing and hoses, all of rubber or of plastic
17 unprocessed or semi-finished gums
17 unprocessed or semi-finished synthetic rubber (except in liquid form)
17 urethane sheet for insulation
17 valves of india-rubber or vulcanized fiber
17 valves of india-rubber or vulcanized fibre
17 valves of rubber or vulcanized fiber [not including machine element]
17 varnishes, lacquers and resinous materials for insulating uses
17 viscose sheets, other than for wrapping
17 vulcanized fiber
17 vulcanized fibre
17 washers of rubber or vulcanized fiber
17 washers of rubber or vulcanized fibre
17 washers [other than washers for water taps] made of rubber or of vulcanised fibre
17 water hoses
17 water hoses of plastic or rubber
17 watering hose
17 waterproof ground sheets made from rubber or plastic materials with heat insulating properties
17 waterproof packings
17 waterproofing, weatherproofing and weather resistance materials of rubber
17 water-tight rings
17 weatherstrip sealants in the nature of caulk for packing, stopping and insulating
17 weatherstripping
17 weatherstripping compositions
17 window stops of rubber
17 yarns, fibres and threads made of plastics [not for textile use]

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