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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 1 - Chemical Materials

Chemicals for use in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing and fire prevention compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; substances for tanning animal skins and hides; adhesives for use in industry; putties and other paste fillers; compost, manures, fertilizers; biological preparations for use in industry and science.

Class Class Name
1 photographic chemicals
1 photographic developers
1 photographic emulsions
1 photographic films for duplicating and micro-films (unexposed)
1 photographic films for use in industries (unexposed)
1 photographic films [unexposed]
1 photographic paper
1 photographic paper (unexposed)
1 photographic plates (unexposed)
1 photographic sensitizers
1 photometric paper
1 photosensitive chemical preparations
1 photosensitive plates
1 phototypesetting films [unexposed]
1 phototypesetting paper [unexposed]
1 picric acid
1 plant care fertilizers
1 plant foods and silage additives [preservatives]
1 plant growth regulating preparations
1 plant growth regulators [chemicals]
1 plasticizers
1 plastics as a raw materials (in the form of powder, pellet, granule, liquid or paste)
1 plastics as raw materials
1 plastics for industrial use
1 plastics for industrial use [unprocessed]
1 plastics in the crude state
1 plastics, unprocessed
1 plastisols
1 plating liquid
1 platinum plating chemicals
1 plutonium
1 polarized refrigerant oil additives
1 polish removing substances
1 polonium
1 polycrystalline silicon in the form of block or sheet
1 polycrystalline silicon in the form of powder or granule
1 polyester resins [unprocessed]
1 polyester-based polymers (unprocessed)
1 polyester-based polymers used in the manufacture of films
1 polymer coating agents based on plastics for textiles, paper, mineral materials, fillers, pigments (other than paints)
1 polymer coating agents for paper, mineral materials, fillers, pigments (other than paints)
1 polymer coating agents for pigments(other than paints)
1 polymer coatings (other than paints)
1 polymer emulsions
1 polymer modifiers
1 polymer resins, unprocessed
1 polymers for use in manufacture
1 polymers used in industry
1 potash
1 potash water

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