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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 1 - Chemical Materials

Chemicals for use in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing and fire prevention compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; substances for tanning animal skins and hides; adhesives for use in industry; putties and other paste fillers; compost, manures, fertilizers; biological preparations for use in industry and science.

Class Class Name
1 chemicals for replacement plating
1 chemicals for resin surface modification
1 chemicals for resin surface treatment
1 chemicals for soil improving purposes
1 chemicals for the manufacture of paints
1 chemicals for the manufacture of pigments
1 chemicals for the manufacture of printed circuit boards
1 chemicals for the manufacture of semiconductors
1 chemicals for the manufacture of synthetic fibers and polymers
1 chemicals for the purification of water used in swimming pools
1 chemicals for the treatment, purification, oxidation and/or disinfection of water and water treatment plants
1 chemicals for treating textile fabrics
1 chemicals for treating water and chemicals for repelling stains for use on clothing, carpeting, textiles, wood and leather
1 chemicals for treatment of fibers, yarns, fabrics, synthetic materials, webs or finished goods
1 chemicals for use as additives for concrete and cement
1 chemicals for use as additives to motor fuel
1 chemicals for use as auxiliaries in the leather and fur industry
1 chemicals for use in electrolysis nickel plating processes
1 chemicals for use in forestry, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides
1 chemicals for use in gluing
1 chemicals for use in industry
1 chemicals for use in industry and science
1 chemicals for use in industry in the manufacture of personal care applications, such as cosmetics, hair and skin care products
1 chemicals for use in industry in the manufacture, processing and treatment of textiles
1 chemicals for use in industry, science and photography
1 chemicals for use in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture and forestry
1 chemicals for use in making inks and coatings
1 chemicals for use in manufacture
1 chemicals for use in pesticides
1 chemicals for use in purifying water
1 chemicals for use in research, testing and synthesis
1 chemicals for use in science
1 chemicals for use in swimming pools
1 chemicals for use in the fermenting of alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages
1 chemicals for use in the food processing and manufacturing industries
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of adhesives, paints, coatings and inks
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of anti-freeze and de-icing compositions
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of cosmetics
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of dyestuffs
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of inks
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of insecticides
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals or cosmetics
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of printing ink
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of semi-conductor devices
1 chemicals for use in the manufacturing of dyestuffs
1 chemicals for use in the prevention of environmental damage to plants
1 chemicals for use in the scents industry
1 chemicals for use in treating metal surface
1 chemicals for use with printed circuit board

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